The Lime Light

The Lime Light
Tesoro products are all about quality and low quantity. We only make around 3 bags in each color range for every collection. The low production number, and the unique quality of every hide insures that you are getting a one of a kind piece every time you purchase a bag from us. In each collection we will be choosing a very rare hide and making just one bag in each style. In the first collection we used a beautiful multi color suede “mermaid" print. See Photo below of our Mermaid hide. 
This Spring/Summer we will be featuring a lime green hair on hide collection, called “The Lime Light”. Each of these bags will only be made once. Perfect for any lady who loves to stand out, this collection is bright and fun, and will be sure to catch everyones eye! Perfect for Spring/ Summer, this color will bring a bold aesthetic to any outfit choice. From nikes and leggings to a great cotton dress. Check out the photos below to see the construction process! 
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